NDT solutions provider

You can benefit from Intercontrôle’s skills and expertise in NDT
Our approach naturally takes your economic imperatives and your performance requirements into consideration. At all times, our primary concern is to provide you with rapid and well-adapted technical solutions.
In order to meet your specifications and the applicable standards and codes, our Research and Development teams can support you with the definition of your requirements, and during the development of your project, right up to the performance of your tests.
We can call on our Centre of excellence (NETEC: Non Destructive Examination Technical Center which hosts Framatome’s NDT R&D activity ) that is manned by 85 experts, engineers and technicians, who are specialised in all the NDT methods and have a strong command of every stage of project management.
155 employees are Level 2 and 3 COFREND certified (the French NDT confederation) according to the European standard CEN NF ISO 9712.
Our developments cover all the comonents of NDT:
- Methods
- Standard and specific ultrasonic and eddy current probes
- Data and image processing and analysis softwares
- Automated or semi-automated systems
- Innovative products
- Standard and focused ultrasonics,
- multifrequency Eddy currents,
- X and gamma rays radiography,
- televisual examination,
- penetrant testing,
- thermography.
Codes and standards
Methods and equipment qualified to the applicable codes (RSE-M, ASME)