LTcam: inspection by active infrared thermography

LTcam: an alternative to penetrant testing and magnetic particle testing
The LTcam is the latest version of the active photothermal camera, a LASER thermographic NDT system, developed by Intercontrôle.
This system can detect surface and sub-surface defects. It offers an alternative to penetrant testing and magnetic particle testing.
LTcam : A new inspection tool
The LTcam detects surface and sub-surface defects using the infrared emissivity produced by the LASER thermal excitation of the part.
The LTcam is a unit containing a LASER, an infrared thermal camera and a system that transforms the laser point into a laser line to scan the surface to be inspected. The focussed laser beam scans the part to be inspected and creates a heat flow that is disturbed by the presence of defect indications.