Development and qualification of equipment

Development and qualification of specific NDT equipment: Using our expertise to work for you
The operations and development teams at Intercontrôle can call on their exceptional experience and expertise that is continuously maintained. They make Intercontrôle a valued partner capable of adapting to all inspection codes in force worldwide (RSE-M, ASME, KTA) and of offering a rapid response to the demands of its customers in France and the world over.
The demands for longer reactor lifespans and shorter and less expensive interventions are also a permanent incentive to develop new inspection equipment.
Our highly varied developments demonstrate our capacity to innovate.
Some of our developments:
- The in-service inspection machine (MIS) used to inspect the reactor pressure vessel of the Flamanville 3 EPR
- The EXACT inspection chain that uses eddy current testing to inspect steam generator tubes
- Ultrasonic inspection of the reactor vessel inner radius nozzles
- Ultrasonic and televisual inspection of reactor vessel bottom-mounted instrumentation (BMI)
- Phased-array ultrasonic robotic inspection systems for primary circuit piping
- Remote control system for the inspection of a primary circuit nozzle with a flexible phased array ultrasonic transducer
- Data processing software